Sir Roger Gale
Member of Parliament for Herne Bay and Sandwich (including West Thanet)
November 5th 2018
Fireworks coalition held event in Westminster to raise awareness of issues around fireworks
A group of charities and membership bodies last week (30th October) held an event in the House of Commons to raise the issue of the devastating impact fireworks can have on vulnerable people and animals.
Dogs Trust, Blue Cross, Battersea Dogs & Cats Home, British Veterinary Association, Cats Protection, The Kennel Club, PTSD UK, and Children’s Burns Trust met with 40 MPs, including Sir Roger Gale MP for North Thanet to discuss why a change in legislation surrounding fireworks could help prevent millions of people and animals suffering during fireworks season.
The organisations are calling on the Government to conduct a review of existing fireworks legislation with a view to introducing further restrictions on their use. Through further regulating the use of fireworks, the charities hope to limit the unnecessary distress that can be inflicted on so many people and animals during fireworks celebrations.
Dr Rachel Casey, Director of Canine Behaviour and Research at Dogs Trust says,
“The loud unexpected bangs, flashing lights and general unpredictability of fireworks can be distressing for so many animals and people – from dogs, cats and horses to people suffering with PTSD, as well as many other vulnerable groups such as the elderly and children.
We have joined together to raise awareness of this important issue and urge the Government to better regulate the use of fireworks to ensure less suffering as a result of fireworks in years to come.”
Sir Roger Gale MP says,
“I’m pleased to support this important cause and hope we can bring about a change in legislation to help limit the distress to vulnerable people and animals caused by fireworks.”