Sir Roger Gale
Member of Parliament for Herne Bay and Sandwich (including West Thanet)

Thanet Parkway Station
September 9th 2020
The realisation of the Thanet Parkway Station has taken another step forward as KCC Planning Committee today (Wednesday) gave the go-ahead for the project. This follows the promised injection of £14 million of SELEP funding which has clearly helped to unlock the project.
Speaking in Thanet today Sir Roger Gale has said:
“I am grateful to KCC Leader Roger Gough and to the Committee for recognising the importance of the new station to the economy of not just Thanet but a large area of East Kent. The station will, when completed, facilitate connectivity between London, the towns of East Kent, Dover and Ramsgate Harbours, Discovery Park and, of course, Manston Airport. We are now literally “on track” for a new era of business and passenger prosperity in an area that has been crying out for investment in infrastructure”.