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Gale's View - 17/01/2018


January 17th 2018


Thanet has an excess of land available to meet the projected demand for housing without recourse to the use of Manston airport.

When I stated that fact some weeks ago I was challenged by the Leader of the Council, Cllr. Wells, to "put up or shut up".  my assessment has now been confirmed by a report prepared by the independent planning consultancy RPS group.


In their findings, published last week, the consultants show clearly that without  building houses on Manston Airport well in excess of 100% of the space required to meet Government targets to 2031 has been identified and it is arguable that not only is Manston not required but that some of the Grade One agricultural land that the present administration has included in the draft Local Plan should not be prioritised either.


It is also the case that even if the changes to calculations proposed by the DCLG, and quoted by Cllr Wells and officers as a ' frightener' should Thanet Council reject the draft local plan, were to be imposed then a new figure of 21,260 houses, however unlikely they are to actually be built, could readily be achieved without including Manston Airport in the land bank.


Cllr Wells and his administration was elected on a promise that " Only UKIP can be trusted to issue a compulsory purchase order for Manston Airport" under the slogan "Love Manston, Vote UKIP". No equivocation, no ifs or buts, no mention of RiverOak or any other 'Strategic Partner.'


The 2015 Thanet Draft Local Plan states that "it is considered that a successful airport has the potential to be a significant catalyst for economic growth" and adds that the principle purpose of the Manston Airport Area action Plan " should be the retention, development and expansion of the airport and aviation operations".  That Draft went out to consultation and gained wide public support.


Cllr. Wells' administration now seeks to change the current designation as an airport and for aviation uses to a new mixed- use development combining, by 2031, a minimum of 2,500 dwellings in addition to those already identified and provided for, together with other commercial development. That proposal is not supported by an adequate environmental  impact assessment and makes no provision for vital infrastructure including not least water supply.


I hold to the view that post- Brexit it is vital that we retain and develop Manston as an airport in the National and in the local interest. Once lost, it can never be replaced.  Unless, therefore, the Council is prepared to withdraw its' change of use proposals for Manston, which can be done swiftly and without further consultation, then elected Councillors should ignore the dire warnings of Cllr.Wells and officers and reject the current draft local plan. Given the political will there is  is still time to revise and adopt a realistic plan before the end-of-March deadline and I do not believe that the Secretary of State is likely to take precipitate action to seek to penalise Thanet for the preservation of the unique national asset that is Manston Airport.




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