Sir Roger Gale
Member of Parliament for Herne Bay and Sandwich (including West Thanet)
Armed Forces - MP backs call to recognise "covenant"
North Thanet`s MP, Roger Gale, is supporting demands for public and government recognition of the covenant between the country and its service men and women.
Speaking following yesterday`s statement by the Royal British Legion and the publication (today) of a Select Committee report on service housing the MP, who is a former Defence PPS, Post-graduate of the Parliament and Armed Forces scheme and a member of the Legion, says:
"The manner in which we treat our servicemen and women is a disgrace. We send them ill-equipped to do our dangerous and dirty work for us, we place inordinate demands upon their capabilities ("overstretch"), when they are injured we no longer provide dedicated military healthcare in the UK, we house their families in accommodation that local authority tenants would simply not accept and when they are killed we provide no resources for families to be legally represented at inquests.
This situation brings shame upon our nation. It is entirely the fault of a government that talks support for the armed forces but fails, and has failed under Gordon Brown as Chancellor, to provide the resources to meet the commitments to which Government has pledged our support.
The time has come for the British people to stand up and be counted and to demand of government that we respect the covenant between the Country and its servicemen and women and to make full and proper provision for their needs at every stage of their careers and beyond death in service".