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AbleChildAfrica specialises exclusively in advocating for and supporting disabled children and disabled young people in Africa. On 18th June Lord Fowler hosted a reception at the House of Lords to raise awareness about the need to improve the education of disabled children in Africa. AbleChildAfrica estimates that 1 in 10 children in Africa, that’s up to 52 million children, are living with disability. 

Whilst 63% of African children are now finishing primary school in some countries only 2% of disabled children reach this stage[1].  Those few disabled children in Africa who do attend school face multiple challenges; a lack of specialised equipment, lack of parent and community involvement, inaccessible school facilities and learning environments, poorly trained teachers without the awareness of the needs of disabled children and negative attitudes amongst their peers. As a result most disabled children in Africa never complete their primary education, even fewer attend secondary school and the vast majority are excluded from their age-group and community and later in life face problems obtaining employment. It follows that there is a direct causal relationship between childhood disability, insufficient access to education and poverty in adulthood. 
Despite inclusive policies in many African countries, inclusive education barely exists. A genuinely inclusive education policy requires a change in attitudes, knowledge and practice and a significant increase in resources, so that children with a full range of abilities are genuinely offered equal opportunities.


Patron Keith Nethercote with Roger

AbleChildAfrica is therefore calling on governments and development partners to take action so that:
1. African children are able to access an inclusive early child education
2. Disabled children in Africa are afforded the same chance as their peers to access a local primary and secondary school which can provide quality inclusive education
3. A range of post secondary school options are available for young disabled people
For further information, please contact Mary Ann Mhina, Executive Director, on 020 7793 4144.

[1] Its Regional overview: sub-Saharan Africa, UNESCO

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