Sir Roger Gale
Member of Parliament for Herne Bay and Sandwich (including West Thanet)
Lisbon Dead - "Scrap the Bill" say Thanet Tories
June 13th 2008
North Thanet’s MP, Roger Gale and South Thanet’s Laura Sandys are united in calling on the Government to scrap the Lisbon Treaty Bill, currently with the House of Lords.
Speaking in the wake of an Irish "no" vote in their referendum Thanet’s Tories have said in a joint statement:
"The Irish have taken the decision that the British have been denied, by a Labour government, the opportunity to take. The Treaty of Lisbon has been recognised as the European Constitution re-written in thin disguise, which is what we have said from the beginning. The Treaty is dead in the water. Europe must now bow to the inevitable and the government of the United Kingdom should take a lead and pull the Bill from the House of Lords.
Of course there will be those in Europe, as there always are, who will try to breathe life back into this corpse and who will seek to persuade the Irish Government to hold another referendum and another until they get the result that they want.
We believe, however, that we still live in a democracy. We believe that the people of the United Kingdom should have been allowed the vote that Blair, as Prime Minister, promised them and we believe that now the power of the ballot box, albeit in Ireland, must be allowed to prevail.
The French did the dirty work for us last time. The Irish have done it this time. Let us hope there will not be a third version of this iniquitous constitution".